About Our New DPRs (or “CC&Rs”)
Reported by Dale Davis
Archived Article
January, 2000. After a long campaign to adopt a more legally viable version of what we commonly refer to as our CC&Rs, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce the ratification of the Second Amended Declaration of Protective Restrictions (DPRs).In October 1997, the Association retained the services of law firm Wendel, Rosen, Black and Dean to review and update the older document. The Environmental Committee in particular worked with attorneys for several months to ensure that the wording and content of the document would comply with current state and federal regulations as they apply to homeowners’ associations.
Every member of the Association received a copy of the proposed changes and was asked to vote by ballot. Through the efforts of our great staff of volunteers, we obtained the necessary two-thirds majority needed to pass the new declaration.
These revisions have not substantially changed any of the privileges and responsibilities of being a member of our association. Many changes are purely technical–a matter of updating legal terms. Other changes set more closely defined parameters under which the Board must govern. The updated version of our DPRs include the following features:
- Clearly states that the only permitted use of SHHA properties is Single Family Dwelling;
- Sets a two-story limit on all home construction;
- Requires specific, written architectural guidelines on which to base reviews of proposed property modification;
- Requires all major modifications of property to be preapproved by the Environmental Committee;
- Clearly defines obligations to maintain property in good condition, free of deterioration and public nuisances;
- Prohibits parking recreational vehicles (such as boats, trailers and motor homes) on a homeowners property, including the driveway;
- Reinforces height and view restrictions;
- Addresses the construction of fences, antennas, satellite dishes and other objects which might negatively impact the neighborhood “look and feel”;
- Defines the duties and responsibilities of the Environmental Committee, the group charged with enforcing the new regulations.
The new declaration was enacted to add detail and clarity to the restrictions we all have agreed to by purchasing a home in this neighborhood. Every homeowner is immediately bound by this document. Remember, the purpose of DPRs is to maintain and enhance our property values and protect the wonderful environment we are privileged to live in.